Executive Director cum Group Chief Executive Officer (“ED/GCEO”)
Lim Kwee Shyan, a Malaysian, Male, aged 58, is our ED/GCEO and was appointed to our Board on 30 March 2010. Mr. Lim is a substantial shareholder of the Company. He graduated in 1987 with a Bachelor of Science (Honours), majoring in Chemistry and Economics from University Kebangsaan Malaysia.
He joined Rubbercare in 1988 as a Production Executive and was subsequently promoted to Factory Manager, and eventually the General Manager. In 1991, Mr. Lim and Mr. Yew Nieng Choon, a common director and shareholder of Rubbercare, had incorporated Careplus (M) as a trading company by buying gloves in bulk, improving the quality and thereafter selling the gloves to its customers. Subsequently in November 2001, Careplus (M) bought over Rubbercare and became the holding company of Rubbercare, in which then Mr. Lim was promoted as Managing Director of Rubbercare and Careplus (M) in 2006. Mr. Lim is primarily responsible for the overall business, strategic planning and the entire operations of our Group. Mr. Lim was also appointed as the Managing Director of Careglove Global Sdn. Bhd. (“Careglove”). His overall management has contributed significantly to the success and growth of our Group. He has thus far accumulated approximately 30 years of experience in the rubber gloves industry.
Mr. Lim was a Director of the Malaysian Rubber Board (“MRB”) from 1 March 2012 to 31 August 2015 which was appointed by the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Trustee on the Board of Trustees of the Malaysian Rubber Export Promotion Council (“MREPC”) since 24 April 2012 till 23 April 2014, a Board Member of Tun Abdul Razak Research Centre (“TARRC”), which is the United Kingdom based research and promotion centre of MRB, since 1 January 2012 till 31 December 2015. Mr. Lim was elected as the President of the Malaysian Rubber Glove Manufacturers’ Association (“MARGMA”) on 23 April 2011. He was re-elected to his second term of Presidency on 27 April 2013. Prior to that he had served as its Vice President, Honorary Secretary for a two (2) years term. He is currently a Margma Exco members in the capacity as Immediate Past President. He is now a Chairman of Margma Foundation, set up by Margma to help poor income employee children. He was also the Chairman of International Rubber Gloves Conference and Exhibition 2018.
He is the spouse of Ng Shu Si, a substantial shareholder of the Company. Neither he has any conflict of interest with the Company nor convicted on any offences within the past five (5) years. There were no public sanctions or penalties imposed on him by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year ended 31 December 2020.
He does not hold any directorship in other public companies and listed companies but holds directorships in several private limited companies. He attended all four (4) Board Meetings held during the financial year ended 31 December 2020.

Well positioned to deliver long-term value for shareholders