We are committed to focus on people and technology on sustainability of our business. Having highly qualified and committed staff is key to our journey of success. Adopting suitable technology for our manufacturing and all other aspect of our organization is the only way to ensure growing sustainability.


With the increased need for workers in 2019, our Group continued to apply for new approval for foreign workers vis-à-vis the increased intake of local workers to meet the ratio of 1 local: 3 foreign workers. Our Group recorded an increased in headcount to 2,246 in 2019 (as compared to year 2018: 1,713).

With the increased headcount, we need to support the sustainability of our employees by continuing our welfare programmes and development in our workplace. During the FYE 2019, the Group had:

  1. Registered 5 of our employees to attend certification training as competent persons for their job scopes.
  2. Promoted goodwill among employees via birthday gatherings, main festival celebrations for foreign workers, sport activities like futsal, bowling, hiking, and other incentives. We have also set up a karaoke system for employees to use after work.
  3. Promoted health wellness to 32 Senior Executives & Managers by providing health screening vouchers to them.
  4. Conducted annual events to promote awareness for our employees on services provided by National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN), Inland Revenue Board (LHDN), Employee Provident Fund (EPF), Social Security Organization (SOCSO), Department of Safety & Health (DOSH) and others related government authorities to conduct awareness activities for our employees.
  5. Careplus (M) and Careglove Global have gone through the SMETA code of conduct with Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX) which is a not-forprofit, membership organisation that leads work with buyers and suppliers to deliver improvements in responsible and ethical business practices in global supply chains.


In order to sustain our business, the following have been implemented:
  1. Focus on producing glove ranges that provide better returns.
  2. Increase production and sell to other parts of the world to dilute or reduce exposure to the Latin American market. This will make our sales more diversified geographically.
  3. Increase our nitrile gloves production and focus on higher value item.
  4. Continue to invest in surgical gloves production. The recent JV with Ansell provide ready market for us.
  5. Covid-19 pandemic has depleted almost all the surplus capacity and used up inventories either at the manufacturers’ or importers’ warehouses. With higher demand, there will be severe glove shortage. Whilst we generate additional returns during this period, we are mindful of the needs of our partners to ensure our partnerships remain for the long term. We will strike a balance between current profits and future relationship with each and every customer.
  6. Covid-19 pandemic will also change the landscape for our company operations. We will not know how long this pandemic will last or when it will end. Therefore, we have started to educate our staff on how to handle changes through effective means of working from home, virtual meetings, social distancing and restricting visitors. There will be more measures and contingency steps to be carried out to ensure high productivity levels in any given scenario after Covid-19 stabilizes.


The market landscape continues to be promising with higher demand for gloves worldwide. Growth drivers globally include increasing healthcare regulations, hygiene requirements and awareness across many industries. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought on new levels of urgency to supply more protective gloves to front liners in many countries. Moving forward, we are confident of our prospects in 2020 given the strong demand for gloves.

Our group core values espouse the importance of Productivity, Relationship, Integrity, Diligence and Environment in our daily work. Careplus Group manufacturing facilities are accredited for quality standards under the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 13485:2016 certifications.

Our glove product range for the group is diversified to cater for the growth. Our product mix has increased towards nitrile gloves in line with the market requirements. We focus on providing quality examination and surgical gloves in line with our motto “Quality and Relationship You Can Trust”. Strategic partnerships with our customers remain the focal point of our expansion. We are in a good position to leverage on mutual synergies with regular engagement with our customers, many of whom we have developed lasting relationships through the years.


In 2019, we continue our corporate social responsibility efforts through the following:
  1. Launched a new programme called Household Financial Assistance to aid employees who fall into the B40 income group by providing RM100.00 per person per month. From date of inception, we have paid out RM117,900 for 2019.
  2. Promoting our Education Financial Assistance especially to new employees which saw an increase in the number of beneficiaries 2019: 128 children as compared to 2018: 104 children.
  3. Donated as Silver Sponsor for RM1,000 to a charity book launch benefitting Charis Christian Centre for their welfare activities for the needy.
  4. Continue our corporate sponsorship to the Persatuan Berdikari Seremban Negeri Sembilan for the 9th year to enable them to provide job skills training for their learning-disabled trainees.
  5. Continue our Future Worker Development Programme, now into its 6th year, to provide entry level employment to SPM and STPM school leavers to explore their career directions as well as learn workplace ethics and discipline. A total of 56 students benefitted from this programme.


We continue to enforce our Environment Management System to comply with environment laws as well as manage our waste responsibly.
  1. In 2019, we continued to recover our wastewater using the Reverse Osmosis (RO) process. This ongoing project allowed us to recycle 25.17% of total water usage for last year. Efforts are being put in to recover more industrial water. We have also started to harvest rainwater for production use.
  2. Scheduled wastes are disposed to the Kualiti Alam for treatment. Non-scheduled solid wastes such as non-reusable mechanical parts, packing materials and even reject gloves are recycled to waste dealers. A proper waste handling system was implemented to create a cleaner and better organized environment and appearance. This helped in reducing costs and workplace hazards and improving health and safety. For 2019, we had disposed a total weight of scheduled wastes for 255.49 MT. For other waste which can be recycled such as paper and plastic, we have sold about 153,777 kg. Other reusable waste such as plastic and metal drums, jars and computer parts, we have sold about 4,800 units. This helped in reducing costs and workplace hazards and improving health and safety.
  3. We conducted numerous safety related trainings. They include Emergency Response Plan, Basic Occupational First Aid, Chemical Expose Monitoring (under medical surveillance exercise) and Hearing Conservation. These trainings are crucial in providing awareness to all on-thejob employees as well as minimizing workplace accidents.

Well positioned to deliver long-term value for shareholders

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